RIECE– “Raising inclusion into the labor market of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, on the base of entrepreneurial competencies development”.

KA2 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Adult Education.

Main opportunities to stimulate integration processes in EU are training and promoting of entrepreneurship. Target group of the project – refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, who want to be integrated into the EU labour market and/or establish own business, but experiencing lack of appropriate knowledge and skills

Project objectives:

  1. Develop innovative training curricula, methods and contents on entrepreneurial and career planning skills to improve migrants professional training.
  2. Improve the entrepreneurial and career planning skills of migrants as well as to support their integration in the EU labour market.
  3. Gain knowledge from various areas experts for migrant’s social portrait conclusion.

This objective is to be achieved by comparative analysis, experience exchanges, identification and sharing of existing good practices among five organizations working with migrant’s education in Romania, Lithuania, Finland, Spain and Cyprus. All these countries are currently exposed to important migrant’s integration of into society.

According to challenges, identified in research study, project partners will create joint Program “Guidance for labour market integration of migrants”. Free access.

This Program will consist of 5 main modules: Life Long Learning; Requirements and Needs of Labour Market; Different Situations in Labour Market; Cultural surroundings; Working culture.

In the process of creating Program participants will take into consideration partners’ labour markets needs and cultural differences. At the end of the project this Program will be used amongst migrants in all countries thinking about integration in the EU and career in EU international companies. Information about this program will be accessible in the project website, websites of the partners, as well as published in scientific journals, EPALE platform.

The expected impact of this Project: increased number of migrants with entrepreneurship and career planning competences, efficient integrated into the EU labor market, increased the competitiveness of adult training organizations. At European level the expected impact is an improvement of cooperation between different actors connected with adult educational sector in Europe. Information about project will be disseminated among different migrants institutions across Europe.